27 Luglio 2024

Official photographer of the event

06-09-2010 - Archive
At the XXII Rally Elba Storico there will be opportunities for all crews to purchase a photo book on CD by Enrico Parrini exceptionally official photographer of the event.

Two possible options:

* service "Standard" includes 10 shots (on CD in high resolution) of the competitor at different times of the event at a cost of 35E inclusive of postage.
* "special" services including at least 30 shots (on CD in high resolution) on the race and the team at a cost of 90E inclusive of postage.

Payment will be made, after booking, before the race with the release of general information and permissions required.

For info and reservations: enricoparrini2@tin.it or 3341810497.

Website: www.enricoparrini.it

Source: Organizing Committee

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