27 Luglio 2024

Lots of news for 2011 Elba Graffiti

03-04-2011 21:30 - Archive
Lots of news for the regularity race for historic cars "XXIV Elba Graffiti - Trofeo Locman Italy " that will take place on the roads of the Elba Island from 22 to 24 September next, concurrently with the "XXIII Rallye Elba Storico - Trofeo Locman Italy ". The main innovation concerns the location of the Race Direction and location of start and arrival, that after years spent in Marina di Campo will move to Capoliveri. The Organizing Committee meanwhile betrays another innovation, which concerns the establishment of a special classification and relative award for competitors who will use manual timekeeping equipment. More news will be announced shortly.

Source: Organizing Committee

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